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7701 15th Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117
We are permanently closed as of July 2024.
Contact information:
Dr Jonathan Bell ND
Dr Melissa Weakland MD
Please contact the doctor who was your primary provider.
The doctors are no longer working together and won't know if you asked them both.
Download your own medical record from your patient portal.
Please download your medical record now and save an electronic or a paper copy.
1. Login to the Patient Portal.
2. Click on View Health Records.
3. Actions drop down (small center of screen above Labs/Studies)
4. Click on Download Health Record.
5. Enter the start date then click Download.
6. A zip file and a folder will both download.
7. Open the folder.
8. Click on the html file
9. Call our office and leave a message if any problems.
This should be a complete record including your medication list and your labs.
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