7701 15th Ave NW
Seattle, WA 98117
Let us help you care for you and your family.
We can make your life easier by caring for most members of your family in one familiar and comfortable place, Ballard Neighborhood Doctors.
We provide family health care services from well child exams and Pap smears to care for chronic conditions such as asthma and diabetes. We meet your same day urgent care needs with direct access to our providers.
Treatment of acute illness and injuries including suturing and sprains
Preventive screenings for high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and cancers
Adult health maintenance/prevention/wellness exams including discussion of sleep, diet, exercise, relationships and coping skills
Pap smears/annual gynecological exams
Immunizations with full discussions and resources available
Care for chronic conditions such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and high cholesterol including lifestyle modifications, medications and supplements
Management of depression, anxiety and mood issues using appropriate treatments such as counseling, medications, mindfulness and body work
Well baby and child exams including child development and parent development guidance
Sports and school physicals
Teen wellness and fitness with supportive guidance
Skin biopsies and other minor surgical procedures for the skin
Joint injections
Wart/mole removal
Skin care and acne treatment
Travel medicine